The Future of the Automotive Industry: Electric and Safe

The electric vehicle (EV) market is rapidly growing in the United Kingdom as well as across the globe. As of now, projections show a market volume of US$28.8bn by 2028 according to Statistia. Also, did you know that by 2030 the UK, along with a few other countries, is planning to ban the production of new combustion engine cars? With this being the case, the EV market is expected to continue gaining momentum given that it would be the only viable option going forward. It should also be noted that battery electric vehicles are set to overtake internal combustion engine vehicles in the UK car market by 2025. Additionally, one-third of used car sales are expected to be EVs in the five years following that.

These trends are strong indicators that EVs are the future of the automotive industry. That said, in this blog, we will explore the future of EVs in the UK. We will explore some of the major challenges that this industry faces, the opportunities that accompany its arrival, environmental impacts, issues of sustainability, and of course the future of the EV industry in the UK. So, without further delay, let’s dive in!

The Rise of Electric Vehicles

The Rise of Electric Vehicles

Early Beginnings

Contrary to popular belief, electric vehicles (EVs) are not a recent invention. They made their first appearance in the early 19th century, with inventors in Europe and the United States experimenting with battery-powered vehicles. By the late 1800s, electric carriages were becoming increasingly common in cities, offering a quiet and clean alternative to horse-drawn carriages and steam-powered vehicles.

The Age of Combustion Engines

The early 20th century saw the rise of internal combustion engines, fueled by the discovery of vast oil reserves and advancements in mass production techniques. The affordability and convenience of gasoline-powered cars led to a decline in the popularity of EVs. For much of the 20th century, internal combustion engines dominated the automotive landscape, with electric vehicles relegated to niche applications.

Revival and Modern Era

The late 20th century brought a renewed interest in electric mobility, driven by growing environmental concerns and technological advancements. The oil crises of the 1970s sparked interest in alternative energy sources, leading to the development of modern electric and hybrid vehicles. Innovations in battery technology, particularly the development of lithium-ion batteries, enabled longer ranges and more practical EVs.

In the 21st century, the push for sustainability, government incentives, and consumer demand have accelerated the transition to electric vehicles. Major automakers are committing to electrification, with some announcing plans to phase out internal combustion engines entirely.

The rise of companies specialising in electric vehicles has further propelled the industry forward. Of course, there are other factors also in play, like a global population of everyday citizens who also want a more environmentally friendly option. This shift in environmentally conscious demands is another factor adding fuel to the metaphorical fire that is the growth of the EV industry.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Transition to EVs

Challenges and Opportunities in the Transition to EVs


Charging Infrastructure: The lack of widespread charging stations is a significant barrier to EV adoption. Many potential EV owners are concerned about finding convenient places to charge, especially on long journeys. Governments and private sectors must collaborate to expand charging networks, making EV ownership as convenient as traditional vehicles.

Battery Technology: One of the main concerns with buying an electric vehicle is the battery range, charging speed, and lifespan are critical concerns. That said, advancements in battery technology are needed to increase energy density, reduce charging times, and enhance overall reliability. Continued research and innovation are vital to overcoming these challenges.

Consumer Acceptance: Another major issue is the misconceptions about EV performance, cost, and practicality that persist. Education and awareness campaigns can help dispel myths and encourage more consumers to consider EVs as a viable option. Test drives and incentives may also boost acceptance.

Regulatory Compliance: The end-customer aside, regulatory red tape is a challenge for many car makers and auto dealers. Different regions have varying regulations and standards for EVs. Harmonising these can be complex but is essential for facilitating international trade and ensuring consistent safety and performance standards.


Innovation: The EV market fosters innovation in various areas, from battery technology to vehicle design. This innovation drives not only environmental benefits but also enhances user experience, creating vehicles that are efficient, enjoyable, and forward-thinking.

Collaboration: Partnerships between governments, automakers, technology companies, and suppliers like Orion Safety Belts are driving progress. These collaborations create synergies that accelerate development and bring diverse expertise to the table.

Economic Growth: The growth of the EV market stimulates investment and job creation. From manufacturing to sales and service, the EV revolution is contributing to economic development and sustainable growth, aligning with global sustainability goals.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability Practices

Environmental Impact and Sustainability Practices

Environmental Impact

Reduced Emissions: EVs significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global efforts to mitigate climate change. By replacing fossil fuel-powered vehicles, EVs help reduce air pollution, improving air quality in urban areas.

Decreased Dependence on Fossil Fuels: Shifting to electric mobility reduces reliance on oil, promoting energy diversity and security. This shift supports broader energy transition goals, moving towards renewable and sustainable energy sources.

Sustainability Practices

Responsible Manufacturing: Ethical sourcing and sustainable manufacturing practices are essential in the EV industry. This includes responsible mining of materials like lithium, ensuring that the environmental and social impacts are minimised. Now, while these factors are not yet where they should be, technological advancements are being made daily, so time will tell how we evolve from here.

Battery Recycling: Speaking of batteries, recycling batteries and minimising waste is another key conservation step we need to make strides towards. Developing recycling technologies and infrastructure is crucial to ensuring that batteries have a life beyond the vehicle, contributing to a circular economy.

Integration with Renewable Energy: Connecting EV charging with renewable energy sources like solar and wind enhances sustainability. This integration supports the broader transition to clean energy, making EVs part of a sustainable energy ecosystem.

The Road Ahead: Future Predictions and Trends

Technological Advancements: Continued innovation in areas like battery efficiency, autonomous driving, and smart connectivity is shaping the future of transportation. These advancements are creating vehicles that are not only cleaner but smarter and more user-friendly.

Integration of Safety Features: Safety remains paramount, with a focus on integrating advanced safety features, including adaptive seat belts and intelligent safety systems. Orion Safety Belts is at the forefront of this effort, ensuring that passenger safety evolves with technology.

Orion Safety Belts’ Commitment: We are actively participating in shaping the future, focusing on safety solutions aligned with the evolving needs of the electric automotive industry. Our products are designed with the future in mind, reflecting our unwavering commitment to safety and innovation.

Orion Safety Belts: Our Role and Responsibility

Orion Safety Belts_ Our Role and Responsibility

At Orion, we are more than just a supplier; we are a partner in progress. We work closely with automakers to develop safety solutions that meet the unique needs of electric vehicles. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and safety positions us as a leader in the industry, supporting the transition to EVs with products that ensure passenger safety.

Our MD at Orion Safety Belts said, “As the MD of Orion Safety Belts, I am excited to see positive developments in the electric vehicle industry. France is investing 1.5 billion euros in a Taiwanese battery factory in Dunkirk, which is great news for the industry and the environment.” He went on to express that the team at Orion is fully committed to providing high-quality safety belt systems to major global automakers.

Safety in the New Era

The transition to EVs is not just about technology and innovation; it’s about safety. As vehicles become more advanced, the importance of safety features like seat belts becomes even more critical. And as our MD mentioned above, at Orion Safety Belts, we understand this importance and are committed to providing high-quality safety belt systems to major global automakers.

Our products are designed with the future in mind, offering safety features that are compatible with the unique characteristics of EVs. From adjustable seat belts to ergonomic solutions, Orion Safety Belts is at the forefront of passenger safety in the electric era.

We also offer a myriad of other safety accessories and seat belt-related services like seat belt repair, replacement, supplying, rewebbing, and other bespoke options for our customers. In addition to that, we also cater to a wide range of vehicles from the aviation industry and roller coasters to motor homes, race cars, forklifts, and your average city car to name a few. Having said that, we can confidently say that we are more than ready to embrace and further the transition to EVs.


To sum things up, the transition to electric vehicles marks a defining moment in the history of the automotive industry. It’s a journey filled with challenges, from building a robust charging infrastructure to advancing battery technology and fostering consumer acceptance. Yet, these challenges are met with unparalleled opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and economic growth.

While safety remains a cornerstone of this new era, vehicles are becoming more advanced every day. As such, the integration of safety features, including seat belts, becomes even more critical.

At Orion Safety Belts, we are proud to be part of this exciting journey. Our products, services, and commitment reflect our belief in a future where transportation is not just about getting from one place to another; it’s about doing so in a way that respects our planet and protects our passengers.

The future of the automotive industry is here, and it’s electric and safe. Together, we are driving into a new era, guided by innovation, inspired by sustainability, and grounded in safety.

If you want to learn more about our products and services, please visit our website at

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