6 Tips For Wearing A Seat Belt While Pregnant

When pregnant, seat belts can be an important safety measure for both the mother and baby.

Pregnant women can be more vulnerable to injuries in a car crash due to the extra weight of their growing baby. Wearing seat belts properly can help protect both mother and baby, as well as significantly reduce the risk of injury during a collision or sudden stop.

Here are some key tips to ensure you wear your seat belt correctly while pregnant:

1. Choose a seat belt that fits properly

Seat belt that fits properly

The lap seat belt should fit snugly across the hips and pelvis, below the baby bump. The shoulder seat belt should fit across the chest and shoulder, never across the neck or stomach.

2. Adjust your seat belt

Adjust seat belt

Make sure to adjust your seat belt so that it fits snugly but comfortably. If you need to, move the seat back slightly and recline it slightly for extra comfort. A simple thing like adjusting your seat belt can not only make the journey more comfortable, but it can also make it safer for you and your baby.

3. Put on the seat belt before you start driving

seat belt for safety

This might seem obvious, but make sure to always put on the seat belt before you start driving or, if you’re a passenger, before the person driving starts to drive off. This is important not only for safety reasons but also because seat belts can be uncomfortable when already in motion.

4. Wear the seat belt correctly

Wear the seat belt correctly

Always make sure to wear your seat belt correctly. As mentioned above, the lap seat belt should fit below the baby bump, snugly across your hips and pelvis. The shoulder seat belt should fit across your chest and shoulder, never across your neck or stomach.

5. Add a seat belt extender

Seat belt extender

If you find that the seat belt is too tight, consider using a seat belt extender to make it more comfortable. There are special seat belt extenders that are designed for pregnant women. To check out some of the seat belt accessories available, check out Webre.

6. Choose the middle seat

Choose the middle seat

If possible, choose the seat in the middle of the vehicle when riding as a passenger. This seat offers more support and protection than those on either side of it. This is a great option if you are not driving the car yourself.

Following these tips will help to ensure your seat belts fits properly and comfortably while pregnant, as seat belts can be an important safety measure for both the mother and baby. It’s also important to remind other passengers in your car, such as family and friends, to wear their seat belts while they are in the vehicle. Safety is key when it comes to pregnant women and seat belt use. Be sure to practice safe seat belt use while pregnant to ensure the best possible outcome.

For more seat belt safety tips, don’t forget to check out the rest of our blog articles here: https://www.orionsafetybelt.co.uk/blog

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